
We Got Into Italy!!!

I hope we can juggle things well enough to make this work, but both of us were accepted to be English Teachers in Italy this summer! For money!  


  1. Wow! That will be great. Italy is very high on our list of places to live next. If we can't work out the post doctorate we're thinking about in Switzerland then we're hoping to land something there. I can't wait to hear your impressions of the place!

  2. Congrats! What part of Italy? There is something about Italy that makes me want to hop on a plane and live there forever.

  3. YAY!!! Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear details tomorrow, that sounds fabulous!

  4. Your life is like a crazy acid trip. That I SO want to be on.

  5. HOW on EARTH did you manage that?!?!? Please enlighten me. I've wanted to do just that so desperately and have never found a way to do it legally! HOW!

    Congrats though. That's very exciting.
